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  Click the thumbnail to enlarge              

NTFS Reader DOS Boot Disk provides read access to NTFS drives from the MS DOS environment. It supports long filenames as well as compressed and fragmented files. NTFS Reader for DOS allows you to preview the files on NTFS and copy them from NTFS to FAT volumes or network drives. In order to use the software you need to copy the readntfs.exe file to a bootable floppy disk and boot from it.

NTFS Reader for DOS is a FREEWARE

Software features:

  • Can be saved and run from bootable floppy (download boot disk image)
  • Displays complete physical and logical drive information
  • Supports IDE / ATA / SCSI drives
  • Supports large (more than 8GB) Hard Drive
  • Supports NTFS, NTFS5 file systems for reading
  • Supports FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 file systems for data writing
  • Supports compressed and fragmented files on NTFS
  • Supports partitions created in MS-DOS, Windows XP.2000.NT.ME.98.95
  • Displays non-english and long file names
  • Ability to preview file(s)/folder(s) before copying
  • Supports search by file name or mask
  • Disk Viewer displays content of the file in Hex/Text mode


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Zipped Archive

Bootable Floppy Disk Image

Self-extracting Bootable Floppy Disk Creator for NTFS Reader

Bootable CD Image (ISO)

Bootable ISO Image for NTFS Reader



Note: You can use NTFS Reader for DOS to access NTFS drives in Windows 98 95 and 3.1. This is a DOS program, but can be run from Windows.

Download NTFS Reader for DOS Users Guide | TXT | PDF | DOC |

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